Jafet Arrieta

Jafet Arrieta currently serves as Director and Improvement Advisor for the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). In her role, she supports domestic and international partners in the development and implementation of large-scale quality improvement projects, teaches quality improvement methods and provides strategic guidance and coaching to leaders, managers and team members.

Jafet has extensive experience in operational, oversight, management and leadership roles within the areas of public health, quality improvement and health systems strengthening across different low-, middle-, and high-resource settings. Jafet is an affiliate member of Ariadne Labs, and has previously served as Improvement Advisor for the Latin American Consortium for Innovation, Quality and Safety in Healthcare (CLICSS) leading the implementation of two multi-country quality improvement collaboratives aimed at reducing the incidence of healthcare-associated infections in Latin America, and as Director of Operations for Partners In Health Mexico, helping establish a public-private partnership and leading the execution of a health system strengthening strategy to improve access to high quality care in one of the most underserved regions of Mexico.

Jafet holds a medical degree from Tecnologico de Monterrey School of Medicine, a Doctorate of Public Health from the Harvard Chan School of Public Health, and a Master of Medical Sciences in Global Health Delivery from Harvard Medical School.